Information for your visit


Note: When booked in advance, visits to Pokuland can be made all year round. Prices are on agreement.

Opening hours in summer: 11:00-18:00

Opening hours on weekends in May, September & October: 12:00-16:00

We run special programmes at the end of the year.

Children: €6 (children up to the age of 3 are admitted free of charge)
Adults: €9
Families (up to two adults and at least one child under the age of 18): €22/with a family card: €12
All tickets include making your own Poku.

Groups (10+ people):
Children: €5
Adults: €7
Crafts: €2 per person

More information about tickets (in Estonian) can be found on the Laste Lõunamaa website.


Children’s school groups up to 10 years of age: 1 teacher admitted free of charge for every 10 students (other age groups: 1 teacher admitted free of charge for every 15 students)

The gift shop in Poku Hall offers souvenirs, toys, postcards featuring the Pokus and other characters created by Edgar Valter and the author’s own books.

You can pay in cash or by card. Groups can also be issued with an invoice.